zwei Mitarbeiter von Häring stehen an einer Maschine und unterhalten sich

The hidden champion wins twice.

Anton Häring KG is once again listed in the Weltmarktführer-Index (World Market Leader Index) and receives the independent award "Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber (Germany's Best Employer)”.

Wrapping up the year on a successful note? With two awards, Anton Häring KG succeeds in doing just that. Under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller at the University of St. Gallen, the wheat was once again separated from the chaff this year. Every year, Müller and his team examine which hidden champions meet the strict criteria, who has forfeited their market leadership in the past year and who has exceeded the past year’s performance. In the process, Anton Häring KG is once again able to convince as a "Hidden Champion in Germany" and thus secure a place in the Weltmarktführer-Index (World Market Leader Index) of the renowned university for the second time in a row.

And because the company is also perceived in this way in the region, the Häring team was able to enjoy yet another award at the end of the year: DIE WELT and ServiceValue awarded the family-owned group the independent accolade of "Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber (Germany's Best Employer)” in the industry sector, thus recognizing the "very high attractiveness" of Anton Häring KG for employees. This award is given to companies that have been able to impress with a particularly positive image in a survey of the population, with 800,000 people taking part.

"We always want to be there for our customers on a world-class level - this commitment pays off particularly well in times like these, as we look back on a successful business year despite the COVID-19 pandemic," explains Dr.-Ing. Häring. The family-owned group proudly accepts the awards and sees it as an incentive to continue setting standards in the industry in the future. "This is only possible because of our strong team," Häring knows. At the end of the year, employees are therefore paid the Corona bonus of up to 1,500 euros.

Both surveys, the evaluation criteria and further information can be viewed online at and


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