Konrad Szulc

„I want to constantly develop myself and production planning. That's why I'm in the right place here.“




Konrad ein Mitarbeiter von Häring schaut in die Kamera

From trainee to Vice President

Upon completing 12th grade at school, Artur began his career with Häring in 2008 after opting to move directly into a career path rather than doing a high school diploma. He sailed through his training as a mechatronics engineer; during which time his interest and talent caught the eye of sales. He therefore switched departments and began a program of degree studies alongside his work. With the support of Häring and dedicated perseverance, including investing time in his career after work and at weekends, Artur made rapid progress. This ambition has now paid off: Today he is group manager for sales of new parts and within the scope of plant development is set to move to the USA as Vice President of the new location.


New parts sales

Field of work

Group manager

Job title

Part of the Anton Häring KG

Konrad, you laid the foundation for your career with an apprenticeship. Was that the right decision?

Everything was completely new for me at the Häring Academy. My university was unfortunately not technically oriented, so I had nothing to do with technical drawings before, let alone processing machines. So I had to learn everything from the very beginning - and that's exactly what I had the opportunity to do during my training and time at the Häring Academy. Looking back, the practical experience from my training period always helps me: whether at university or in my daily work.

Konrad Häring Mitarbeiter links an einer Wand angelehnt daneben ein Häring logo
drei männliche Mitarbeiter von Häring mit blauen T-Shirt und Häring logo sitzen an einem PC und unterhalten sich

After your apprenticeship, you climbed the career ladder. Where did your drive come from to complete an additional degree?

When I started working in production control and planning, the biggest challenge for me was to understand how all the sub-elements of the production processes had to be coordinated with each other so that the products could pass through the corresponding work processes smoothly and efficiently. This topic was so interesting to me that I decided to study logistics, because it allowed me to learn about the theory behind logistics and compare it with practice - or rather, now I can actively develop the field of production planning.

So your further career path will take place at Häring?

I want to specialize in production planning, expand my knowledge and gain new experiences. Häring gives me these opportunities and supervisors I can rely on. Another plus is that I can share my experiences with colleagues from all over the world - Poland, Germany, the USA, China and Tunisia. Looking back, I can confidently say that what I'm doing now is more than just a job for me.

Konrad ein Häring Mitarbeiter sitzt an seinem Schreibtisch und schaut in den Computerbildschirm