Knowledge provides an edge

... and sometimes it is half the battle.

Häring will gladly give you tips on how you can optimally launch your career, how to get your bearings and how your daily routine can be made easier. These are the specific areas of expertise of the professionals responsible for our apprenticeships and continued training. That allows you to achieve your goals without having to slow down and it will increase your joy about making progress. We will give you a small taste with our tips & tricks.

ein männlicher Mitarbeiter von Häring erklärt den Azubis, in roten T-Shirt, etwas

Application tips

Categorize your resume and make it easier for the HR manager to find their bearings.

We also do not want a resume that is extraordinarily long/comprehensive – an overview of the facts and the individual stations is completely sufficient.

Use your cover letter to make a good first impression. That includes structuring your letter, introducing yourself and explaining what you currently do. A small rule of thumb: The more personalized and unique your cover letter is, the better (we don't like to see sample letters and no reference to Haering). 

Tip: Are you involved in social causes or do you have special social skills? Then don't forget to list and impress us with them.

You don't have to be another Shakespeare, but please make sure that your application does not contain major (grammatical) errors. Why? Well, we all make mistakes – that's human nature. However, the strength of Häring is to provide our customers with top quality – without errors. We manage to do so by being diligent and through our quality management system ... and by checking our work. By sending us an error-free application, you are showing us that quality is also important to you.

You should advertise yourself but make sure that you also represent yourself honestly – because we want to hire you and not a fake version of you that doesn't exist.

We know what good training can be worth. That is the reason why we train many apprentices and students in our in-house academy each year. That means that we are also able to help advance you and your abilities, even if you might have done something completely different in the past and are now enthusiastic about a different career at Häring. 

Tip: No matter what you did previously, there is one thing you will always need: the experience you have gained along the way.

Work tips

A complicated task lies ahead? Then get to it right away. It is easier to concentrate in the morning. People are less distracted then by all of the things that occupy our senses each day.

Checking, writing, reading and responding to emails, answering the phone, taking notes during a call, answering questions – distractions are everywhere. 
People who focus get done more in less time. Always try to focus on the task at hand and you will see that this will give you more time for everything else.

Small tasks, such as replying to an email after reading it, should be done right away. It takes a lot more time to put them off and to "get back to them" multiple times.

Inventors often initially invent things that don't work before they invent something that does. Don't keep jumping back and forth between issues, but also dare to constantly tackle something new and to leave old things behind. Take along that which adds value but don't keep burdening yourself with things that don't. That is how persistence and commitment are rewarded with good solutions.